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  • 回覆至: re-installation error #25017

    Those instructions that you refer to are irrelevant if I can’t install the Windows driver on the Primary machine.
    I have resend the Zip files, hopefully you will be able to open then and find the issue.

    Here are the Pop pup that are showing during installation.

    1) “An earlier version of Spacedeck is already installed” ” Continue and update spacedesk Window Drivers?”
    2) During installation I get “The specified account already exits” then I press “OK”
    3) The following pop up An error has been encountered while installing spacedeck driver, installation will be stop” Then I press “OK”
    4) Then the following is display ” Spacedesk Windows DRIVER Setup Wizard ended prematurely”

    Thanks for your Help and Have a Merry and Safe Christmas

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