Hi @guenterz,
Thanks for sending your diagnostic logs.
Based on your spacedeskDiag file, you have an old version of Intel (R) HD Graphics 4000 driver.
Driver date: 10.07.2015
Driver Model: WDDM 1.3Desktop duplication of primary monitor to other displays is not supported/ disabled in Windows display settings of Windows 10 with old version of graphics adapter (with less than WDDM 2.0).
Please try to download the latest driver version from its official website https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/detect.html.Hi @zzlaw123,
Thanks for sending the DebugView logs, we will analyze this.
However, several diagnostic log files are missing.
Please follow the steps above on how to get the diagnostic logs via spacedesk Driver Console.
spacedesk Driver Console app generates a diagnostic folder name like “2023-01-18-XXXXX-spacedeskRuntimeDiagnostics” (which contains all necessary diagnostic log files), then this is the folder that you should compress (zipped).Hi @hins,
Remote Audio support in Windows 10 Viewer app will not be available anytime soon.Hi @descriptor,
Thank you very much for sending the diagnostic logs.Are you using spacedesk as Videowall?
Could you please try the following and check if you still get the Display Off issue.
– switch Videowall mode to OFF
– “Clear Windows Display settings” in spacedesk Driver Console.
– Set your current Network profile to “Private”.
Just open the Windows Settings -> Network & Internet -> properties of the current network, then select Private underneath Network Profile.Hi @zzlaw123,
For further analysis, please send us the diagnostic logs for this issue.
– in your primary machine, open the spacedesk Driver Console window by clicking the spacedesk tray icon on your task bar’s notification area
– click the Diagnostics on the left side panel
– if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
– try to connect all your viewers and reproduce the Display-0ff issue
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
– click Save All Information button
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.Hi @thurnschuhgeist,
Could you please send us the diagnostic logs for this issue?
– in your primary machine, open the spacedesk Console window app by clicking the spacedesk tray icon on your task bar’s notification area
– click the Diagnostics on the left side panel
– if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
– try to connect your viewer app and reproduce the issue
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
– click Save All Information button
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.Hi @tuxinator, no plans to update HTML5 Viewer app with new feature/s anytime soon.
Hi @helpmespacedesk,
Thank you very much for sending the diagnostic logs.
Could you please try switching your current Network profile to “Private”?
Just open the Windows Settings -> Network & Internet -> properties of the current network, then select Private underneath Network Profile.
Then open the spacedesk Driver Console and try to switch the spacedesk Server status OFF -> ON.By the way, what is your secondary machine? Android? iOS? Windows?
spacedesk Lea 於 2 years, 1 months ago 修改。
Hi @vaulet,
For further analysis, could you please send us the diagnostic logs of this issue?
Just follow the steps below:
– open the spacedesk Console window app by clicking the spacedesk tray icon on your task bar’s notification area
– click the Diagnostics on the left side panel
– if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
– connect your viewer app and reproduce the black screen issue
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
– click Save All Information button
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.Hi @descriptor,
For further analysis, could you please send us the diagnostic logs of this issue.
Just follow the steps below:
– open the spacedesk Console window app by clicking the spacedesk tray icon on your task bar’s notification area
– click the Diagnostics on the left side panel
– if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
– try to connect your viewer app and reproduce the issue (until the display disappears in display control panel)
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
– click Save All Information button
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.Hi @duck,
Could you please check a few things while spacedesk lag is happening:
Is Windows Update currently downloading/installing in your primary machine?
Is there any new application/program you recently installed and running (e.g 3D Games)?We sent the 1046 msi installer in your registered email address, please check.
Hi @1mehmet_bey,
Is splashtop Wired XDisplay currently installed in your primary machine when you tried to connect spacedesk?
If yes, please try to uninstall the splashtop Virtual display driver first, then check if spacedesk will work.
Just open the splashtop Wired XDisplay Agent -> Advanced, then uninstall the Virtual Display driver.Hi @maqsxd,
Is your secondary machine (mobile) Android? or iOS?
Do you have VPN (Virtual Private Network) active? If yes, please disable it.
Do you have any third party antivirus/firewall software?
If yes, please make sure to add spacedesk in the exception list to allow incoming and outgoing connection.What is your current network profile type in your primary machine? Is it private or public?
You can check this in Windows Settings -> Network & Internet -> properties of the current network.
If it’s public, please switch it to Private and check if the viewer app can now discover the primary machine.For assistance, please also check the Troubleshooting -> Network Connection chapter in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/.
Hi @guenterz,
So switching to desktop duplication mode does not work?
Did you check the display settings window? Did you see and extension display? Are you sure that you tried switching the desktop mode/multiple displays to “Duplicate..”?For further analysis, could you please open the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics -> click “Save All Information”.
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.Hi @aitorus,
Native USB cable connection is not yet supported in the current spacedesk BETA version.
For now, you can do USB tethering connection (if your android device supports it).
To setup a USB tethering connection, please refer to the Performance Tuning -> Network Bandwidth -> USB Tethering chapter in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_509.FYI: Native Android USB cable connection will be available very soon.
Hi @johnliem,
Wired connection tends to have better performance than wireless connection (that goes through the router).
The fastest option is always a direct connection via network cable or USB cable (by USB tethering).
Please refer to the Performance tuning chapter in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_505.Hi @johnliem,
You can rotate the spacedesk display automatically or manually.
For automatic rotation, please refer to the “Auto Rotation” chapter in the user manual –
https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_479For manual rotation, just open the display settings, select the secondary display and set the orientation to “Portrait”.
Hi @bluescreen_error,
Thanks for sending the logs.
We will continue to investigate this issue and try to reproduce it on our side (which is not yet successful).
We will get back to you once we have news regarding this issue.-
spacedesk Lea 於 2 years, 1 months ago 修改。
Hi @chaozz,
We are glad that it’s working now.Hi @chaozz,
Thanks for sending the requested logs.
The logs doesn’t show any new traces upon running the spacedesk msi installer.
I assume, the installer immediately hangs even before spacedesk trace logging.
Could you please try the steps below:
– Run “services.msc”
– Find “Windows Installer” then double click it
– On the drop down menu of Startup type, select ‘Automatic’ -> OK, then close the window.
– Reboot the machine, then try again with spacedesk installer and let us know your result.Hi @jloughran,
Thanks for sending the diagostic logs.
We are currently checking the debugview traces.
Meanwhile, there are still some log files missing that we also want to analyze e.g. spacedeskDiag.txt, and some *.etl log files.
Can you please check if these files were not being collected after spacedesk Diagnostic collection?
Please take note that saving all the collected logs takes some time to finish maybe you have to wait a bit longer, there will be a dialog box that will show up once it finish saving all the logs.-
spacedesk Lea 於 2 years, 1 months ago 修改。
Hi @struct2009,
Yes, it’s uncluded in our plan but will not be available anytime soon.
Multi-touch on spacedesk Windows 10 Viewer (from Microsoft Store) is currently in progress.
We will get back to you as soon as we have news regarding this feature.
@doorbin, these are not expected anytime soon:
– a Realtime quality slider into the viewer
– an audio only stream modeAs for the lower YUV settings (4:1:1/4:0:0), currently you are the only one requesting for it so far.
We can only add features which are of interest to a larger audience.
Can you explain the reasons why you need it? And why this could be of interest to a larger audience?-
spacedesk Lea 於 2 years, 1 months ago 修改。
spacedesk Lea 於 2 years, 1 months ago 修改。
spacedesk Lea 於 2 years, 1 months ago 修改。
spacedesk Lea 於 2 years, 1 months ago 修改。
Hi @guenterz,
It seems like it’s in desktop extension mode.
Do you prefer to use spacedesk display for desktop duplication/mirroring?
If yes, you only have to switch the desktop mode to duplicate/mirror mode via Windows Display Settings or via Display switch (Window key + P) hotkey.
For assistance, please refer to Configuration and Settings -> Windows Driver (Primary Machine) chapter in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_470.10 1 月, 2023 9:37 上午 回覆至: there is no option in spacedesk viewer microsoft version for speakers #11501Hi @its2k,
spacedesk Windows 10 Viewer (from Microsoft Store) doesn’t have the Speaker/Audio option (yet).
So far Speaker/Audio is only available in Android and Windows 7 Viewer (Desktop version) as experimental feature.Hi @roybautista,
It looks like you cleared the spacedesk settings that’s why there’s no more Video Walls underneath the Control.
To create a new Video Wall, you have to switch ON the Videowall status underneath Videowall Configuration box.
Upon connecting a viewer/client, click the client connected underneath “Connections Active” and on the right panel, just open the Videowall tab and assign it to a Wall by setting a Wall Index e.g. “1”, then it will create Video Wall1 underneath the Control.For further assistance, please refer to the Videowall Configuration chapter in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_619.
spacedesk Lea 於 2 years, 2 months ago 修改。
Hi @bluescreen_error,
We will try to reproduce and investigate it.
We will get back to you as soon as we have news regarding this issue.In the meantime, since getting the diagnostic logs during the issue is not possible, please just send the diagnostic logs with just viewer connected, no need to reproduce the PC freeze.
Hi @chaozz,
For further analysis, please send us the following:
– run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click “Save all information” and send us the output file
– spacedeskSetup.log file located in C:\Users\Public
– setupapi.dev.log file located in C:\Windows\INFPlease save all requested files in one folder, then right-click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.
Hi @rimonier,
Please try any of the following:
– Try clearing the data and cache of your spacedesk android viewer app in device’s app settings.
– If Videowall mode is enabled, please try to switch if OFF.
– Disconnect all viewers, then open the spacedesk Driver console window, right-click the Connections -> Previous, select “Clear All Clients”.-
spacedesk Lea 於 2 years, 2 months ago 修改。
Hi @aitorus,
Was it USB tethering connection with your USB cable?
Does your tablet supports USB tethering?Hi @jloughran,
Thanks for sending the logs, but unfortunately it doesn’t show any spacedesk logs.
Please follow the steps above on how to get the diagnostic logs via spacedesk Driver Console.
spacedesk Driver Console app generates a diagnostic folder name like “2023-01-10-XXXXX-spacedeskRuntimeDiagnostics” (which contains all necessary diagnostic log files), then this is the folder that you should compress (zipped).Hi @taudag086468,
Thank you very much for sending the spacedesk setup logs.
Could you please try the following steps below:
– uninstall the current old spacedesk Driver installed on your primary machine via Windows Control Panel or the original v1027 msi installer
– reboot your primary machine
– install the latest spacedesk Driver v1050 msiHi @davidsaylor777,
Thank you very much for this hint. We will suggest this to other users.Hi @pablo247,
Please try this “Clear spacedesk Settings” button in the spacedesk Driver console.Hi @insomniafreak,
Thanks for sending the diagnostic logs.
Based on the setup logs, the uninstallation for spacedesk virtual HID device is hanging.
This is a known issue in our old installer version which we already fixed in the most recent version.
To solve this on your machine, please manually uninstall the spacedesk virtual HID device in Device Manager.– open Device Manager by running “devmgmt.msc”
– click View tab -> Devices by connection
– scroll down and find spacedesk virtual HID Device
– expand first the spacedesk virtual HID Device and right-click “Uninstall device” each devices underneath it
– then right-click “Uninstall device” the spacedesk virtual HID Device
Then try again to update with the latest spacedesk installer.As for the Display Off issue, this is caused by splashtop installed on your primary machine.
This is one of the incompatible software products listed in spacedesk.
If you want to use spacedesk, please try to to uninstall the splashtop Virtual display driver first, then check if spacedesk will work.
Just open the splashtop Wired XDisplay Agent -> Advanced, then uninstall the Virtual Display driver then reboot.Hi @nvigatesystems,
I don’t think it’s possible. The plan for all the licensed versions will go through the app stores.Hi @johnny-fang,
Yes in some cases, if both primary and secondary machine are connected on different Network band/frequency, it will also cause a network discovery issue. Some spacedesk users experienced that.Hi @hucbr600, could you please check this on your side if both are connected on the same network band/frequency?
Thanks for verifying that it can connect via local host connection. This confirmed that there’s no issue in the server functionality. And the issue is most likely in the local area network settings.Hi @tuxinator,
Unfortunately, there’s still no short term nor mid term plans for Linux support on spacedesk client and server.Hi @malkie,
Native USB cable connection between Windows PC and Chromebook is not supported in spacedesk.
You can try USB tethering connection (if possible) or Mobile Hotspot/WiFi Direct connection.
For further assistance, please check the Performance tuning chapter in the user manual.
spacedesk Lea 於 2 years, 2 months ago 修改。
Hi @hichemdax,
Ahh the BSOD (blue screen of death) during USB tethering connection…this is a known issue which we don’t have a fix in the spacedesk side.
The problem seems to be the USB driver used by the mobile phone for USB Tethering.FYI: Support for native Android USB cable connection will be available very soon.
Hi @manueldeleonhn,
Please make sure to update your spacedesk Driver/Server in your primary machine.
Latest spacecesk Driver installer is available on the website https://forum.spacedesk.net#download.
Latest spacedesk Android Viewer app is available in Google Playstore.Hi @gb18,
Connecting a spacedesk Viewer from your chromebook or tablet as third screen for your primary machine should work.
As for the performance issue, there are ways to improve performance.
Please check the Performance tuning chapter in the user manual.
https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_505.You can send it to AndroidApp@spacedesk.ph.
Please take note that by following the steps above, spacedesk Driver Console app should generate a diagnostic folder name like “2023-01-04-XXXXX-spacedeskRuntimeDiagnostics” (which contains all necessary diagnostic log files), then this is the folder that you should compress (zipped).Hi @pablo247
This black and white screen is spacedesk Server issue.
The spacedesk server on primary machine is the one sending the black and white desktop image to the viewer app on secondary machine.
The spacedesk Viewer app is only rendering the desktop image being sent by the spacedesk Server.Please send the diagnostic logs of the primary machine machine so that we can analyze why the server is sending a black and white screen to the viewer app.
We are glad that it’s fixed now on your side. We will now close this topic.
Hi @pablo247 and @profviolino,
If the black and white screen is happening with your Windows 10/11 primary machine, could you please send us the diagnostic logs for further analysis. Just follow the steps below:
– Open spacedesk Driver Console in your Windows primary machine
– click the Diagnostics on the left side panel
– if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
– try to connect your viewer app and reproduce the black and white issue
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
– click Save All Information button
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.Hi @User72618,
Thank you very much for sending the diagnostic logs.
Based on the logs, the spacedesk display is detached.
You can easily attach it via Windows Display Settings, just click the detached then select “Extend/Duplicate” underneath “Multiple displays” drop down menu.
For assistance, please also refer to the “Configuration and Settings -> Windows Driver (Primary Machine)” chapter in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_469.-
spacedesk Lea 於 2 years, 2 months ago 修改。
Hi @User72618
Is your primary machine Windows 10/11?
If yes, could you please send us the diagnostic logs for this issue?
Just follow the steps below:
– open the spacedesk Driver Console window by clicking the spacedesk tray icon on your task bar’s notification area
– click the Diagnostics on the left side panel
– if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
– switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
– try to connect your iOS viewer app and reproduce the Display Off issue
– switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
– click Save All Information button
PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.-
spacedesk Lea 於 2 years, 2 months ago 修改。
Hi @thyagueau,
Could you please try to uninstall the spacedesk in your primary machine using the “msi installer -> Remove” or using the Windows Control Panel, then reboot your primary machine, and reinstall it.
If the above suggestion did not help, and you still have the failed installation error, please send us the following:
– run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click “Save all information” and send us the output file
– spacedeskSetup.log file located in C:\Users\Public
– setupapi.dev.log file located in C:\Windows\INFPlease save all requested files in one folder, then right-click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.
Hi @pablo247
New spacedesk Server/Driver v1.0.50 for Windows 7/8.1 is now released.
This new version should fix the black and white screen issue on your side.Hi @hichemdax,
There are few things you can try to improve performance, please check the Performance Tuning chapter in the user manual for assistance.
https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/#item_505 -