參與者Hi Nicole, yes I confirmed latest SW on both machines. Are you saying next time this happens then toggle the checkbox and see if that resolves it instead of rebooting my ipad?
參與者Thank you Christian – as always your support is outstanding. It was indeed a scaling issue. The challenge I now have is I use an ultra-wide with relatively low pixels per inch along with my iPad which is a very high PPI display. If I keep the Windows scaling on the iPad at 125% then everything is miniscule. Should I try running a custom resolution to workaround this? Any other ideas?
參與者Hi Christian, sorry I forgot to reply to this topic. I’ve noticed both on my iPad and my Surface Pro will have the “Connected – Display Off” screen on for hours after my laptop is asleep. I checked the app stores and am running the latest client software. Is there a setting that needs to be changed to let these devices suspend?
參與者Hello @spacedesk Christian, I wanted to report back that the new feature works great and I no longer get prompted by the IT application to enable USB. Thank you for the prompt resolution on this. This will save me a lot of headaches when I need to upgrade in the future.
參與者Thanks Christian. Or perhaps can you implement the USB cable driver toggle in a way that does not leverage the command line? Perhaps you can install the driver when I run the msi installation and then have the GUI toggle enable the support without running a command line script? Thanks again
參與者Hi Christian, got it – thank you. My question was how do I send you my google drive link privately? I do not want to post these files on a public forum. Your forum software doesn’t seem to support private messaging? Please advise – thanks
參與者Hi Christian, yes it happened again already today and I had to reboot my client machine to be able to reconnect. The client service hung up on the main screen with dots moving from left to right. I was unable to click anything and had to reboot the machine without being able to properly close the app. I wasn’t able to collect diagnostics on the spot because I was in the middle of a work meeting. I hope to be able to collect the diagnostics next time this happens. When you say ” and for your client machine, please run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, and click “Save all information”.” The wording is a bit confusing…do you want me to collect dxdiag on the primary machine or the client machine?
One pattern I have noticed is the three times it’s happened in the past two days have always been while I was screensharing with MS Teams.
P.S. How can I share the files with you without posting them publicly? Is there a way I can private message you a link?
參與者Christian, sorry it seems I sent this message bit too hastily. I realized that it seems ethernet adapters do not show up under communication interfaces (although shouldn’t they?).
After I posted my last message, I rebooted my server and my client still would not connect. I had to reboot my client for it to recognize my server. In fact this is the second time this happened in the past two days. I checked microsoft store and am using the latest client. I just updated to v2.1.0.0 server and will let you know if that helps for whatever reason, but I suspect my issue is on the client side. Is there any way to send diagnostics on the client side? I have admin rights on my client PC in case it helps.
參與者Hi Christian, Sorry I missed your last reply. Unfortunately I do not have admin rights on my PC and cannot collect diagnostics information. My client disconnected again today and was unable to reconnect until I rebooted my PC. It seems the server did not see my ethernet adapter even though it showed up in network adapters in Windows (see Ethernet 9). See screenshot here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/38MW5SDXf99oL78r5
Any idea how we can troubleshoot this without collecting diagnostics?
參與者Hi Christian, this happened again but it did not trigger on a thunderbolt disconnect. It actually just happened randomly. I waited about a minute to see if it would reconnect then I opened dxdiag and while that was running the screen reconnected. I’d rather not post my dxdiag file in the open. Is there another way to share this?
參與者Thanks Christian. I updated to v54 and no longer have this issue. Thanks for getting my other feedback prioritized.
參與者Hi Christian, unfortunately I am unable to turn on diagnostic collection due to my company’s software on my work PC not allowing me to run “spacedeskserverdebuggingon.cmd” when I click the button. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do on my end to help your team troubleshoot this issue.
Thanks for taking my GUI improvement feedback into account.
參與者Hi Christian, the issue occurred again this morning and I was able to narrow things down a bit. I have my host PC connected to a Thunderbolt 3 dock which has an GigE ethernet crossover connected to my Surface Pro 8 via it’s own separate USB-C dock. On occasion, my TB3 connection will disconnect for some unknown reason but immediately reconnect. It seems when this occurs, spacedesk viewer cannot reconnect to the session even though the IP address doesn’t change. I wait ~2 minutes and nothing happens. Let me know if you need any more information.
P.S. I also need to correct my earlier statement that I am able to disconnect and reconnect without closing the app. While we’re on this topic, as a suggestion, it would be helpful if you could please make the GUI button to cancel reconnecting larger and appear by default. I am using the touch screen on my surface pro and I have to fumble around pressing the screen multiple times to find this button. Even when I find it, it takes a couple of tries to actually register pressing it.
參與者Hi Christian, so far it seems to be working well, thanks!
One unrelated issue is I noticed that when I disconnect from the crossover cable, my host monitor still shows the client as being connected. Is this because we set the disconnect delay to -1 due to the earlier timeout issues I was mentioning with the UWP app when it is minimized? This can make things a bit challenging because I have to manually disconnect my monitor every time I am away from my home setup.
參與者Hi Christian, I used the new version today and so far no crashes. The only thing I wanted to report back is on an issue when the server and client both go to sleep. I wake up the server then go to wake up the client and this is normally when the UWP viewer would crash. Now instead of crashing it just shows DISPLAY OFF and is stuck on a black screen. The only way to get the display to reconnect is to restart the viewer app. Let me know if you’re able to reproduce this issue.
參與者Thanks Christian. Please keep me posted on this issue. It’s happening pretty frequently now.
參與者Hi Christian, FYI the viewer app crashed again this morning. This time I unplugged my server PC, used it for about an hour then it went into hibernation mode, plugged it back in to thunderbolt dock (with ethernet crossover) and it booted up. On the client PC, it was on the auto-reconnect screen then when the server finally loaded, the client crashed and I had to reopen the viewer UWP app. It auto reconnected and everything worked as expected.
參與者Hi Christian, I tried the latest app and am able to interrupt the auto-connect now, thanks for fixing this! Please kindly consider my request for larger/scalable UI elements. Thank you
參與者Hi Christian,
Re #1, I am using the default resolution (no custom) for surface pro 8 (2880×1920). I tried your suggestion but it didn’t seem to work. My viewer and server are both the latest version updated today. See attached screenshot of both monitor.
Regarding the disconnect, I forgot to add more details because my post kept getting rejected. It seems to be working fairly consistently now. I’d say 1 out of every 10 tries I will re-maximize the UWP viewer and it will open for a split second then the app will close entirely. I cannot seem to pinpoint exactly when this happens but I will report back if it starts happening more frequently. I also just updated the viewer so maybe this issue will be fixed now.
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參與者Hi Christian,
Re #1 Indeed please see attached screenshot to give you some perspective. The connection boxes are simply too small for my fat fingers :D.
Re #2: This is a bit of a unique situation and somewhat nuanced. I am using an ethernet crossover connection between my PC’s for spacedesk. I need to manually switch my thunderbolt dock depending on which PC I want to use as my primary. However, when I switch PC’s and am only using one PC then my crossover cable is essentially looped back into itself. This is the only way to make it easy to switch between PC’s with just one thunderbolt cable. This however causes my spacedesk viewer app to freeze up and I cannot click the disconnect button in the viewer. The only way to get around this is either I have to force close the app or wait a couple minutes for it to finally time out. Let me know if this is clear附加檔案:
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參與者I have set Videowall disconnect delay to -1 and my monitor is unassigned under videowall. If I assign the monitor then the screen has issues. The UWP app still disconnects if I don’t have the app open and maximized. Do I need to have my PC assigned to a videowall for the timeout settings to take effect? I cannot disable videowall due to the aforementioned IT software.
參與者Thank you Christian. Indeed I am using the UWP app on Windows 11. I believe I am also using Videowall even though it is unassigned since disconnect delay is grey under control settings. Unfortunately my company’s IT department has software on my machine which prevents me from disabling videowall. I’ll report back if things do not work.
參與者Hi Christian, I just upgraded to and the lag is pretty much gone and now I have 50+ fps. You can disregard my request for now. Thanks anyways
參與者Hi Christian,
I was just going based on the stats at the bottom in the application itself. I use my second monitor for very basic office tasks like word, excel, web browsing, etc (no videos/gaming). My hope was that I could have a seamless connection with GigE on both ends. The primary machine is a Dell Latitude 5420 Core i5 16GB RAM.
It seems diagnostic collection was turned off but I attached the zip file in case it helps. I have turned diagnostic collection on and can reupload once I have more data.
Thanks for your help
參與者Thanks for the derivation, Christian. So I’ve tried dialing down my settings to 0 image quality and low bit color and it still feels like there is a noticeable amount of latency on my 1GbE connection. I don’t want to drop to 30Hz because that will defeat the purpose. I monitor the statistics and it seems I can’t ever get above 20fps. Does Spacedesk cap FPS? Is there anything else I can adjust to make this seem like more of a seamless connection or do I need to go buy some 10GbE adapters or is this just a limitation of the software? Thanks