“To set a custom number in the box, you have to click the up or down arrow to increment or decrement the values (you have to be patient on this one in order to get the desired value and please also take note that it will not accept any odd number values).”
I know.
This is a VERY bad UI design. Please ask the programmers to change that.Also, I held the spinner down for a long time, but eventually, it reached a maximum value, and the values stopped moving.
E.g. currently I can set the spinner value to 2560 x 1440.
But, it is not possible to set the spinner value to 1440 x 2560This means I can’t use the SpaceDesk.
And attempting to rotate to portrait mode in the Primary PC didn’t work either.
; (
Bilbo8333參與者I played a movie via network but this little X keeps flashing in the top-right.
Does not mean i don’t have enough bandwidth?Bilbo8333參與者Yikes!
Well that’s one way to do it.
Ok I did that. but now I can’t set the dimensions correctly.
How come I can’t type numbers into the spinner box?
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你必須 登入 才能查看附件檔案。Bilbo8333參與者Hi
I’m a programmer. But it’s not clear to me how that dialogue box functions.
Why are there two check boxes? Can’t only native or custom be active at the same time?
Also, changing the resolutions doesn’t seem to do anything…See video
https://drive.google.com/file/d/19mY_mSy31lpcNZ7MuBdpm1eqq0P7_FDc/view?usp=sharing- 該回覆由 Bilbo8333 於 3 years, 2 months ago 修改。