Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions won’t detect

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  • #5634

    I just installed spacedesk, and the secondary machine won’t detect the primary machine, even when using USB tethering.

    Tried both auto detecting and manual IP entry. Both primary and secondary machines are connected to the same Wi-Fi. Third party firewall disabled, and Windows Firewall allows it through. I am using the latest graphics card driver. I am using the latest version of Spacedesk. Spacedesk is running and it is turned on. I’m not using a VPN. There doesn’t appear to be an isolation feature in my router menu. NVIDIA ShadowPlay isn’t running. I tried using Wi-Fi hotspot. (connecting to the hotspot IP) I tried connecting via web browser. And as mentioned, USB tethering doesn’t even appear to work.

    Anyone got any ideas at what could be the problem?

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @mysteryroach,

    For further analysis, could you please run spacedesk Driver Console window on your primary machine (just click the spacedesk tray icon on the task bar) then click Diagnostics -> Save All Information button then send us all the diagnostic logs.
    PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
    Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.

    Please also tell us the info on you secondary machine.
    What is the operating system?
    Which spacedesk viewer app did you use? Android/iOS/Windows10/Windows7/HTML5?


    Seems there’s a new version of Spacedesk now so I upgraded to that, but it didn’t fix anything. I noticed that I couldn’t click on the alert at the top of the Spacedesk console informing me of the new version, as it gives me the error “Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessable”. So I had to manually go to the download page myself to download the new version.

    The operating system I’m using for the primary machine (a laptop PC – specifically a Razor Blade 15 Base 2021 GTX3070 1080p144hz) is Windows 11 Home 64-bit version 21H2 build 22000.434 with Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22000.434.0. Secondary machine is a Samsung A7 tablet running the latest Android OS version 11. The viewer app I’m using is the Spacedesk Viewer Android app available in the Google Play store.

    I have also tried using an Android smartphone (Samsung S8+) as the secondary machine. Is also updated to the latest Android version. (version 9) The phone also doesn’t seem to detect the laptop primary machine.

    I also tried using my Desktop PC as the primary machine. Same OS + version + build as the laptop PC. The Desktop PC actually worked, with both the phone and the tablet as the secondary machine. So presumably the problem is isolated to the laptop and it’s ability to act as a primary machine – as the tablet/phone can detect the Desktop, but not the Laptop.

    Anyway, attached to this reply is the diagnostic log.

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @mysteryroach,
    Thanks for sending the diagnostic logs.
    Could you please check the current network profile on your laptop? Is it Private or Public?
    Just go to Settings -> Network & Internet, check the Properties beside the WiFi network.


    Private network. Although it says that on the desktop too. (which as mentioned, is working)

    • 該回覆由 mysteryroach 於 3 years, 1 months ago 修改。
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @mysteryroach,
    Thanks for the feedback.

    Could you please try the following:
    1. Ping the IP address of your laptop from your desktop and vice versa and check if they are reachable to each other.
    2. Did you also try with your antivirus disabled?
    We noticed that you have Avira antivirus, can you quickly try with Avira disabled?


    By the way about this:

    Seems there’s a new version of Spacedesk now so I upgraded to that, but it didn’t fix anything. I noticed that I couldn’t click on the alert at the top of the Spacedesk console informing me of the new version, as it gives me the error “Your Firefox profile cannot be loaded. It may be missing or inaccessable”. So I had to manually go to the download page myself to download the new version.

    This is probably a browser error. Maybe you can try the Method 2 on the link below to fix it.


    Just pinged back and forth successfully. From the laptop to computer 100% on all pings. From computer to laptop there was a single timeout on the 4th ping in the first group of 4. Then every ping thereafter was 100% successful.

    Tried with antivirus disabled. Still not working.

    spacedesk Lea

    Thanks for the feedback.
    Next, can you quickly try to switch spacedesk Server OFF then ON (via Console app) then check if it will help the discovery.


    Just tried that. Didn’t help unfortunately.


    Seems to be firewall related actually. I thought exiting out of my third party firewall program (Malwarebytes Windows Firewall Control) would cause it to stop running but I think it still might be running – as if I change the profile to No Filtering instead of exiting out of it, then the viewer app is able to detect the laptop.

    So I’m not sure if this is something I need to change in the built-in Windows Firewall, or the Malwarebytes one, but I’ll do some tinkering around. Thanks. And sorry for not realizing my mistake sooner.

    It’s possible Malwarebytes Firewall stops running after I quit out of it and the remaining Windows Firewall is too restrictive. (which selecting No-Filtering in Malwarebytes might disable) Likewise it’s possible Malwarebytes may still be running in the background.


    I got this working by adding inbound rules for Spacedesk to Malwarebytes Firewall Control. For some reason it had only added outbound rules.

    I tried doing this with the regular Windows Firewall, but for some reason, rules being added to regular Windows Firewall did not stay in the system, and were gone next time I checked, even if I wasn’t running the third party program. But adding the inbound rules in Malwarebytes worked.

    Now I’m trying to increase performance of Spacedesk. USB tethering worked, but Mobile Hotspot doesn’t appear to work. The Hotspot IP shows up in Spacedesk console, and shows up if I do ipconfig in command prompt, but it cannot be detected from the Android tablet. (secondary device) It still won’t detect even after selecting “no filtering” on Malwarebytes Firewall, which appears to disable the Windows Firewall as well.

    Any ideas of how I might go about getting Hotspot working?

    • 該回覆由 mysteryroach 於 3 years, 1 months ago 修改。
    • 該回覆由 mysteryroach 於 3 years, 1 months ago 修改。
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @mysteryroach,
    Did you try to manually input the Hotspot IP address on your viewer app?

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