Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions With regard to third parties used by SPASEDESK.

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  • 作者
  • #12405
    Kenji Yokoyama

    We are currently considering the introduction of “SPASEDESK”.
    Does “SPASEDESK (latest version of Windows 11)” use any third-party software?
    If you use third-party software, can you provide us with the following information about the third-party software?
    ・Name of the third-party software
    ・Applicable licence

    spacedesk Marcel

    Such detailed licensing topics are too complex to be discussed in public.
    We will contact you by email.

    Kenji Yokoyama

    We are waiting for your email.

正在檢視 3 篇文章 - 1 至 2 (共計 2 篇)
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