Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions windows 10 don’t see 2nd screen

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  • #1658

    When I run spacedesk on both windows 10 and my android phone, I can share my screen on my android phone BUT Windows don’t see it as a second screen (i.e. when I ask windows to detect second screen (my android phone), windows tells me it doesn’t see other screen (see screenshot attached) , whereas I can see the duplicated screen on my phone

    So I can’t use the extended screen option, only the duplicated screen

    Does somebody sees what could be the problem ?

    Thanks !

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @jlbergier,
    You can easily switch to desktop extension mode via display settings.
    On the multiple displays drop down menu, just select “Extend these displays”.
    For assistance, please also check the Configuration and Settings -> Windows PC (Primary Machine) chapter in our user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/.

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