Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Wake Android when PC connects

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  • #12228

    Could you make it so that I could keep an old android tablet plugged in to my PC 24/7 and have it unlock when my PC turns on?
    My tablet continues to charge when my PC is off, and connects to spacedesk automatically when my PC boots. However, this does not happen when the tablet screen is off. Any way to fix this?

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @noob_gamr,
    Current spacedesk Viewer App is not capable on waking up Android device (from screen lock).
    You have to manually wake up your device to launch/connect the spacedesk Viewer app.

    spacedesk Android Viewer only has Automatic Connect (via IP or PC name) feature in the settings.
    If this is set, it will automatically connects to the specified IP address or PC name upon manually launching the spacedesk Viewer App.

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