Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Trouble increasing framerate

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  • #27477

    When i set the framerate of my secondary display from 30 to 60 (on the mobile client’s settings it returns a black screen)

    I have tried reconnecting but to no avail

    P.S: my main monitor runs at 60 but my secondary runs at 30 (default, atleast on the client, my tablet can handle 60 fps)


    For some more info:
    My pc is running an Nvdia GTX 650 and the latest version of Windows 10
    My tablet is an Honor Pad X9

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @ivypolaris,

    does it always work with 30 fps?

    Please send us the diagnostics to further analyze the problem.
    Open spacedesk Driver Console and go to Diagnostics.
    Follow the collection steps and send us the zipped folder.
    In case the folder size exceeds 512KB, upload it in Dropbox/Google Drive/One Drive/etc. and send us a download link.


    Ill troubleshoot tmrw, my main issue is that since my secondary runs at 30, it forces my main to run at 30 aswell

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