Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Spacedesk worked Perfectly Yesterday

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  • #2151

    I use spacedesk for a 3rd screen off of my tablet at work. Yesterday it worked perfectly. Today it’s giving me a few error boxes.

    Disconnected by Service Error

    Error Code: 2-5

    Error Code 0-5

    Connected Time: 00:00:01

    I also get a notification from the computer that reads

    spacedesk x10
    spacedesk Display Driver has expired!

    I was saw on other forums (the previous website) to run a diagnostic and share it here.

    Oh great, wise spacedesk forum moderator what may I do to appease the program gods?

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @mormonmunk,
    Did you install the most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.12 from our website?

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