Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Spacedesk (my tablet not picking up laptop)

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  • #10789

    My tablet stops picking up the connection with my laptop. This happens every so often and usually I just uninstall spacedesk and reinstall and then it works. I have uninstalled both on my laptop and my tablet twice and its still not picking it up. I chose ‘repair’ and it still didn’t fix issue.


    Hi @nicholaushuttongmail-com,

    We understand that you are having trouble connecting spacedesk to your laptop, please try to follow this workaround…

    – You can double check if both of your primary and secondary machine are connected within the same local area network
    – Try to see if spacedesk or C:\Windows\system32\spacedeskService.exe is included in antivirus or firewall’s exception list. this is to
    allow spacedesk service to establish incoming and outgoing connections
    – If you have VPN (Virtual Private Network) active in your machine, please disable it
    – If you are connecting over wireless network, please make sure your wifi router has client isolation disabled
    – Try to check if your current Network profile in your primary machine is Public, if so, switch it to Private. you can navigate this
    options by going to Windows Settings -> Internet & Network

    You can also check Troubleshooting -> Network Connection chapter in the user manual https://forum.spacedesk.netuser-manual/

    on the other hand, have you tried switching On/Off your spacedesk Driver Console whenever the issue occurs? and also, can you tell us what machine are you using for spacedesk viewer. Android/iOS/Windows?

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