Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Spacedesk has stopped

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  • #3623

    My spacedesk was working until lunchtime, when I came back from lunch it didn’t work anymore.

    when I try to open the spacedesk on my tablet the message “Spacedesk has stopped” appears.

    I’ve tried everything, I even formatted my tablet and it doesn’t work.

    I Need help!


    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @mep011,

    Are you using the spacedesk Android Viewer app on your tablet?

    If yes, could you please try to update to latest version on Google Playstore.
    We just released a new version (0.9.80) with bug fix for a reported application crash.

    Looking forward to your feedback.


    My spacedesk don´t open anymore in my Tablet, “The Spacedesk Stopped” appears

    What can I do ??

    Help´me, please!!!

    • 該回覆由 mep011 於 3 years, 5 months ago 修改。
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @mep011,
    Please update to latest version of spacedesk Android Viewer app (v0.9.80) it has a bug fix for the app crash observed on previous version.

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