Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions spacedesk auto click corner (bug)

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  • #23672

    server: windows 11
    client: windows 10 ltsc (device: galaxybook 10.6)

    when I use touch screen,
    the corner often be clicked.

    I uploaded a photo.

    I touch anywhere,
    but the lower right corner was pressed.

    (I flipped the host’s screen,
    so the actual wrong-clicked position was
    the upper left corner of the spacedeck viewer windows)

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    Hi @23ggg,

    The unnecessary input at the lower right portion of the display bug is a known issue. The fix for this will be released in one of the next spacedesk Driver updates. We will let you know once the fix has been included and is available for download.


    the bug keeps exist after update client and serve (restarted both)


    less frequently
    but exist


    Hi @23ggg,

    The fix for this issue has not been released yet, as it is still undergoing review and further testing.

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