Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions spacdesk driver 1.0.23 about window covers all visible area

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  • #4777

    since spacedesk 1.0.23 i have a strange behavior of the spacedesk about window. i like to have the spacedesk icon in the tray area only so i always check “hide taskbar icon”. nevertheless the about window always comes up whenever a client with spacdesk viewer connects to the machine. well, as i have learned this is by design for security reasons (in order to notify the user about screen information is now getting shared with a different device). the strange thing is, after sleep/wake up of my machine the mentioned about window comes up in full screen mode covering all my 4 monitors. no way to resize the window nor recover its size. i can only close it, which means it hides again in the tray area but opens in full screen mode again after calling it. the problem appeared first with version 1.0.23. a reboot of the machine solves it until next sleep/wake up cycle.

    i am using windows 10 x64 build 19044.1387.

    thanks for fixing 🙂

    best regards

    ps: i can share screenshots if required.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @el_viejo,

    ps: i can share screenshots if required.

    Yes, please, thanks!
    Then we can try to reproduce and analyze/fix this issue.


    hi lea,

    after digging a little deeper into this issue all seems to be a local problem here with my machine. i have a software called WinSize2. it recognizes a certain programs window size and position and restores size and position in case the program does not do this by itself. somehow i have accidently configured WinSize2 to maximize the spacedesk server about windows. after deleting this setting in WinSize2 everything is fine.

    issue can be closed. sorry for that.

    best regards

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