Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions software keyboard problem on Android

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  • #1825
    multi cat

    when I use the software keyborad on my phone ,the software prompts “in order to use the software keyboard input feature for your spacedesk server please install at least spacedesk driver version 0.9.61 for windows 10!”

    the driver on Android version is 0.9.74,and on windows 10 is the least version 1.0.9

    please tell me how to use the software keyboard.

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @multi-cat,
    Did this message show up upon two-finger touch gesture to invoke the software keyboard?

    multi cat

    yes@spacedesk Lea
    is there any other way to invoke the software keyboard?

    • 該回覆由 multi cat 於 3 years, 6 months ago 修改。

    I also have the same case. Thanks for the solution!

    multi cat

    Oh,I solved it.I think it’s my fault.
    click the “ok” button at the bottom of the tips.Then you can use the software keyboard.It just a tips to tell you which version can support the software keyboard.Check “don’t show again” and click OK ,it won’t show again.
    Now I can use the software keyboard happily.A little shortcoming that is the software keyboard only can enter one letter at a time.When I enter a word, only the first letter can be entered , the other letters is disappeared.The more serious is that enter some emoji and paired punctuation such as {} , the spacedesk will disconnect directly.I guess there are some incompatibilities between the spacedesk and my software keyboard.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @multi-cat,
    Thanks for the feedback.

    Using software keyboard, how do you enter a word?
    Isn’t it you have to enter letter by letter?

    By the way, could you please try our most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.10 from our website and check if you get the same disconnection issue whenever you enter these special characters or emojis?

    multi cat

    About entering words , I use IME and it have this fuction.You can enter the letter in IME then enter the word from the IME.It is very convenient when English is used with other languages.
    I installed driver v1.0.10 , but there are the same problems.I think this issue is caused by Unicode , I tried to enter a lot kinds of emojis and I found the special emojis all have more than one Unicode,such as the flag emoji.I guess the special characters have the same reason.

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @multi-cat,
    Ah I see.. currently spacedesk can only send one keyboard input at a time, it does not support entering words as a single input.

    As for the disconnection issue upon entering special characters, we tried to reproduce it here but so far we are not successful.
    To further analyze this issue, could you please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.

    Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator.
    This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
    On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app, send keyboard input with emojis or special characters to reproduce the disconnect issue), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
    After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
    Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.

    multi cat

    I changed a mobile phone to try, but I still have the same issue.
    The log has been uploaded.The hope that it can help you

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @multi-cat,
    Thank you very much for sending the diagnostic logs.
    Could you please try our most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.11 and spacedesk Android viewer app v0.9.75.
    Looking forward to you feedback.

    multi cat

    hello I’m back
    I found a transparent square in the upper left corner of the screen.
    It blocks the buttons of my browser and I can’t click the back button。
    I also found when I use software keyboard input the letter,it will appear in the square.I can select and copy it even though I can’t see the letter.I upload the picture of it.
    I think the square may be designed there,but I still hope to be able to remove it.After all, the back button is still very important.

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @multi-cat,
    Are you using the most recent spacedesk driver v1.0.14 and Android Viewer app v0.9.76?
    Does the transparent square appears upon viewer connect?

    Can you please send us the screenshot of the full screen showing the transparent square + software keyboard issue?
    The first screenshots you sent is a bit unclear to us.

    multi cat

    Yes,I used the last driver adn app.
    About the square , it looks like upon the viewer.It doesn’t appears on my computer screen
    I upload the new screenshot and I used a white background.Hope you can see it clearly.

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @multi-cat,
    Thanks for sending the requested files.
    We were able to reproduce it. I already forwarded it to our developer.
    We will get back to you as soon as we have news regarding this issue.

    multi cat

    I found another picture was not uploaded successfully
    I put it here

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @multi-cat,
    Please try the most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.17 and Android Viewer app from Playstore.
    This issue should be fixed now.

    It is also now supports entering a full word, not just single key input.

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