Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Seperate refreshrate from android device?

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  • #12308

    I use spacedesk for my streaming setup. When I play games there is a problem with stutters even though the fps is stable. This is apparently a known issue with different displays with no matching refreshrates.
    Would it be possible to set the refreshrate higher? Ultimately the android device only gets images sent does it not?

    I have two 120hz, so would it be possible to set the hz to 120 on the driver as well?
    Also for my needs I only need about 15 fps max on my tablet. Could we please also set a lower capture rate to sent over?

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @sidar,

    Current spacedesk BETA version only supports 30 or 60 FPS/refresh rate via spacedesk Viewer Settings -> Quality/Performance -> Custom FPS Rate.


    Yes I’m aware. I’m wondering if there are any plans for it or something that is possible for future releases?

    spacedesk Lea

    Currently, no plans in the midterm future.

    spacedesk Marcel

    Glad to discuss this a bit more in detail below:

    1. Game stuttering probably doesn’t originate from difference in frame rate. Probably it rather comes from game and spacedesk encoding competing for CPU resources.

    2. Framerate cannot easily be increased because spacedesk is using CPU encoding for each frame (this applies to both USB and network connection). CPU load would increase and even latency might increase since encoding would possibly take more time.

    3. Hardware encoding by spacedesk would be prerequisite for increasing the framerate. Even without increasing the frame rate it might be the solution for the above named problem. Even at the existing frarate the stuttering might decrease if the game has enough CPU resources available (not taken away by spacedesk CPU encoding any more).

    Now the big question: When will spacedesk support hardware encoding?
    The answer: No specific scheduly yet…

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