Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Screen sharpness and quality changed after closing it for the first time

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  • #6723

    This evening i installed Spacedesk (v1037 BETA), and installed it perfectly with my phone, used it for a few hours and when i was done with it i closed the app and then proceed to close it on my desktop, the screen blacked out for a few seconds and then came back like this

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @apollo163,
    Is this only happening on spacedesk screen? Or also in your main monitor?

    Could you please send us the diagnostic logs for this issue?
    – open the spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics in your primary machine
    – if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
    – switch Diagnostic Collection ON
    – try to connect your viewer app and reproduce the issue
    – switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
    – click Save All Information button
    PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
    Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.

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