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  • #9004


    I am experiencing random crashes on my Windows 11 box
    Using android phone and doing usb tethering
    ran driver verifier and got a crash dump
    it’s pointing to spacedesk driver – spacedeskdriverbus.sys
    using the latest driver 1.0.47 and latest spacedesk app release on playstore

    i got the dump file if needed
    it’s 10 GBs…

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    spacedesk Faith

    Hi @eddy,

    For further analysis, could you also please send us the following logs:
    – most recent *.dmp file
    – diagnostic logs generated via spacedesk Driver Console -> Save All Information.
    PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
    Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.


    Hi Spacedesk Team,

    A new Windows update came in and I tried replicating the crash.
    So far running stable under Driver Verifier.
    Will update again if it crashes….

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @eddy,
    is this an update to a higher Windows 11 build version?
    If it is, can you please give us the details from which version it updated to?

    We would also like to inspect the dump file of the previous crash since it pointed to our driver.
    Maybe a minidump is available?

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