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  • #27622


    As of the latest update, the spacedesk virtual speaker audio seems to only come through my iPhone as a mono signal. Perhaps I’m misremembering, but I believe the output was previously stereo. If not, you can disregard and close this thread. Not sure if this is an issue on my end, or if it is a bug with the latest update. I’ve checked the output and mono audio is not selected. I’ve also uninstalled/reinstalled spacedesk as well as the spacedesk virtual speaker driver to no avail. Any ideas on how to fix would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you!

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @jmusic,

    the spacedesk virtual Speaker does not support mono channel.
    Please check on the iPhone device if Mono Audio is enabled and if the left and right channels are balanced (Settings -> Accessibility -> Audio & Visual).



    I’ve checked the settings you suggested and Mono Audio is not enabled. I’m receiving stereo audio through other apps on my iPhone, but all audio seems to be running through one channel when using spacedesk. It’s strange, as Windows recognizes the output as stereo, but I can pan audio left or right and the sound still comes through both channels.

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