Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions licensing

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  • #24894

    I want to try spacedesk at my company. Referring to licensing, can spacedesk_driver_Win_10_64_v2101 and spacedeskWindowsVIEWER_v0943_BETA linked to be used for free by companies? Can I use the BETA version, which is not an app from the store, for free within the company?

    spacedesk Marcel

    Yes, this configuration (spacedesk_driver_Win_10_64_v2101 and spacedeskWindowsVIEWER_v0943_BETA) can be used for free until it will expire. No matter if business or private use. Expiry date of free spacedesk versions is always shown in spacedesk Driver Console (December 2024 for this configuration).

    In General:
    Free spacedesk versions always have an expiry date. Paid business versions do not expire.
    After the expiry date, spacedesk free versions will still work. However they will not show any colors on the screen any more. They will look like an ancient Black and White Television.


    There is an item ″DO NOT USE free spacedesk Viewer App without purchasing a Commercial License″ in the license policy.
    Does ″free″ here mean something different from the BETA version(spacedesk_driver_Win_10_64_v2101 and spacedeskWindowsVIEWER_v0943_BETA)?

    //Thank you for providing a great app

    spacedesk Marcel

    Thank you very much for your feedback and appreciation of our software. Indeed you are pointing out a mistake on our website. The line you are mentioning is obviously missing the Term “Android”. We just updated our website.

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