Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions I can’t run HTML5 Viewer Page

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  • #17865

    I am running Windows 10, fully updated, and spacedesk Beta RC v1.0.67. When, in Google Chrome, I try to run HTML5 Viewer Page, It throws me that: NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID.
    If I access anyway It throws me 404 error.
    I deleted my cache and history as recommended, it hasn’t worked.
    thanks in advance


    Hi @antonioalcaide,

    We tried reproducing this issue on Google Chrome, but we were unable to encounter the problem as it is working properly on our side.
    Could you please try using a different browser and see if the issue still persists? please ensure that you also clear the cached file of the browser before testing.

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