Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Hide taskbar icon and automatic start

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  • #25054

    i’d like to know if it could be possible that you make the “Hide taskbar icon” check register so that you dont have to manualy do it each time.
    And i’d like to know too if it would be possible to “start automaticaly at boot time” SPACEDESK for the SECONDARY MACHINE (CLIENT).

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    Hi @rageven,
    It seems you are still using an old spacedesk Windows Driver, we are now at v1.2.05.
    in the current version, it enables you to permanently hide taskbar icon. please make sure to always update your spacedesk Windows Driver

    For your other concern, currently we do not have an option for our clients (viewers) to manually start at boot time. however, I believe that this can be achieve using some of windows settings.

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