Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Future USB-Implementation

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  • #8995

    On the frontpage, there is a list about planned Spacedesk-feature implementations in the future. “- USB-Cable” beeing one of them.
    I would like to have some clarification, if that means: native USB-connection *without* the need to tether a network connection via USB?

    More specifically: Will the non cellular IPads be able to connect via USB in the future?
    (Related to this question: https://forum.spacedesk.netde/forums/topic/is-it-possible-to-tether-a-non-cellular-ipad/)

    Currently, I open up a mobile hotspot (5 Ghz) on my Windows-machine and connect it with my IPad. After that, I start using Spacedesk. Since the Hotspot uses the same antenna alongside the normal Wifi-internet-connection my Internetspeed decreases quite a bit.
    The Performance of Spacedesk is good enough with low Resolutions but I hope to get more stability and a higher Resolution with an USB-Connection.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @scientist9852,
    yes, that is a native USB connection but supported only for Android.
    Currently no plans to implement USB cable support on iOS.

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