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  • #4258

    Hi please help.

    你必須 登入 才能查看附件檔案。
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @ryerye619,

    Thanks for sending your diagnostic logs.
    Based on the traces, spacedesk has detected an incompatible display hook driver on your primary machine.
    Do you have splashtop/Duet Display/ Fresco Logic software currently installed on your machine?
    If yes, please uninstall it then reboot your primary machine.
    After that please try again with spacedesk.


    Hi sorry about the confusion, I do not have any of those programs/files. Anyway for me to find/check for them?

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @ryerye619,
    To verify if these drivers are not present on your machine, could you please follow the steps below:
    – run command prompt as Administrator on your primary machine
    – type these commands one by one:
    sc query lci_proxykmd
    sc query lci_proxywddm
    sc query FLxHCIv
    sc query ddkmd
    sc query ddmgr
    Then let us know if one of these command returns a Running or Stopped status.


    Hi I have run the commands and found lci_proxywddm (did sc delete lci_proxywddm) and restarted
    and it works nicely. thank you 🙂

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