Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Error 2-5

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  • #4737

    Hello there, i hope you are having a great day.
    Today i tried installing spacedesk, but i get the error 2-5 info: 0-5, i dont have splashtop xdisplay installed and i have dxdiag file right below.

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @laxuur,
    Based on your dxdiag info, you still have an outdated AMD graphics adapter.
    Could you please try to update it first through, then try again with spacedesk.
    Looking forward to your feedback.


    Hello Lea, thank you for responding, and for taking the time.
    Ihave downladed the amd software, but actually it sais I am updated so i dont know what to do, asoil i have teamviewer installed if that is the problem. Thank you and good day to you ;).

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @laxuur,

    Thanks for the feedback.
    Could you please send us the diagnostic logs to further analyze this issue.
    Please follow the steps below:
    – open the spacedesk Console window by clicking the spacedesk tray icon on your task bar’s notification area
    – click the Diagnostics on the left side panel
    – check “with Debug view” box
    – click START Collecting Logs button
    – connect your viewer app and reproduce the issue
    – click STOP Collecting Logs button
    – click Save All Information button
    Please take note that saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected, just right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.


    Hello sorry i forgot to do it i didn’t have acces to my pc for a bit, the file is attached below and thank’s for responding

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @laxuur,
    Thanks for sending the diagnostic logs.
    Based on the logs, you still have the splashtop display hook driver (lci_proxywddm) on your machine.
    To remove this please run Command Prompt as Administrator, then type the command:
    sc delete lci_proxywddm press enter
    Reboot your primary machine then try again with spacedesk.

    • 該回覆由 spacedesk Lea 於 2 years, 10 months ago 修改。

    Hello, thank you for responding, I will try this when I get home, and if it works it would be awesome and because i know you are competent, is there a way where we can note the forum ?

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