Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Driver minimized in Windows startup

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  • #1722

    I really like this software, it has great potential and works really well already.

    I have a question/wish for a functionality: I’ve got the driver in Windows startup in a Virtual pinball machine that does not have a keyboard. I would like to have the driver’s window to be minimized. Now it stays on top of the frontend software even when I have set the driver to run minimized (in the shortcut at the common startup folder)

    Is there a way to do that or possible to get it in the future updates?


    Well I found a solution to this.
    Make a text file with a .ps1 suffix. This mean it is a Powershell script.
    In the file write a line

    Start-Process -WindowStyle Minimized SpacedeskServiceTray.exe

    Nothing more. Save the file to your disk and create a shortcut of it to your Windows startup folder (usually C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp).

    This will start the Spacedesk server minimized. Hope this helps to other people looking for solution.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @lobster,
    Thank you very much for the info.
    This is noted.

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