Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions DIsplay off and screen randomly tearing

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  • #26705

    I downloaded spacedesk to try and connect my pretty old tablet to use as a third monitor but when i tried connecting him via wifi it just said Display off but when i tried connecting my phone everything worked idk what to do and also after i downloaded it my screen randomly started tearing and going black randomly is that normal?

    • 該主題由 lior2df 於 9 months, 4 weeks ago 修改。
    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @lior2df,
    Please check in spacedesk Driver Console -> Diagnostics -> Incompatible Software Products, for any Incompatible software product present in your primary machine that might cause the Display Off issue.

    As for the tearing and black screen, on which screen is it happening?
    In the spacedesk Viewer app screen? Or in your Windows main monitor?

    By the way, if your old tablet is Android or iOS, please also try connecting via USB cable.
    Just enable the USB Cable Android/iOS in the spacedesk Driver Console -> Communication Interface.

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