Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Cannot install

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  • #7994

    On my laptop it installed just fine, but on my desktop I’m getting the exact same error message as @Masteris. Has this problem been solved in the mean time?


    Attached zip-file, excluding – spacedeskSetup.log file located in C:\Users\Public – which could not be found

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @motto5476,

    Thanks for sending the logs.

    For further analysis, please download the here:
    – extract the zip file
    – copy the most recent spacedesk msi installer inside the folder then click the get_trace.bat
    – the script will prompt you to enter the msi file name then press enter
    – it will run the spacedesk installer until you encounter the error
    – please send the spacedeskmsi_trace.txt generated inside the folder

    PS: We moved your comments in a separate topic to avoid confusion.


    Attached the generated spacedeskmsi_trace.txt as per instructions

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @motto5476,

    Thanks for sending the msi trace.
    We are currently, analyzing it.

    Can you please download the Microsoft Troubleshooter program here:

    Run the “MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall.meta.diagcab”, select Installing.
    If “spacedesk Windows DRIVER” is not on the program list, just select “Not Listed” then paste the product code of spacedesk_driver_Win_10_64_v1040_BETA.msi here: {A7749853-C2A7-4313-B46F-11AECF983D62}

    After that, please reboot your primary machine then try again to install the latest spacedesk msi installer from the website.


    This part of the instruction is unclear: “…..just select “Not Listed” then paste the product code of spacedesk_driver_Win_10_64_v1040_BETA.msi here: {A7749853-C2A7-4313-B46F-11AECF983D62}”
    1. Where/how do I get the product code
    2. Where do I paste it? Seem like in registry editor, but I did not find that key: {A7749853-C2A7-4313-B46F-11AECF983D62}

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @motto5476,

    Ah ok, my mistake. Product code is not needed if you selected “Not Listed”. Just press Installing -> Next -> Not Listed -> View detailed Information, then check if there’s a potential issue/s detected.
    Then try again with spacedesk installer.

    By the way, can you answer some of our questions here:
    1. Is this the first time you install spacedesk? Or you have previous version before?
    2. Are you using an Administrator user account?
    3. Were you able to install other msi installer aside from sppacedesk?
    Can you please also try some workarounds suggested here:

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