Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Cannot find primary sever

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  • #13052

    Both the apps in my devices are up to date. I was able to do the 2nd monitor just yesterday now i cannot find or detect my primary sever, both of them are open, both also connected to the same internet, also tried the manually adding my IP(it was always at IP validation in progress, I waited at least 10 mins for it, never finished). I also redownloaded both of them just in case but still cannot detect my sever to my laptop and im using the ipad as a 2nd monitor. I cant seem to know the problem, i did some research and i did allow my firewall for it and i have nothing else stopping spacedesk on my laptop and ipad. I have no VPN as i never used one. I dont have NVIDIA either at any of my devices. It just shows my status on the sever “ON (idle)” Please do help me


    Oh it beens fixed, my primary sever was found after 30 minutes 😭 of me research and after i posted this forum, it just started working for some reason sorry.

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