Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Black Screen with Connected – Display Off

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  • #12458

    Yesterday I downloaded spacedesk connected and everything worked for me this morning when I tried to connect I got a Black Screen “Connected – Display Off” how can I fix this problem. Diagnostic files will be attached below.

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    there is an error in the text, last night everything worked for me, but this morning it doesn’t anymore


    but I forgot to say yesterday there was the same error, but I somehow corrected it, but sorry, there are no errors in the text, it just didn’t translate correctly when driving into Ukrainian

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @drep,
    Thank you very much for sending the diagnostic logs.
    Based on the logs, you have Nvidia Shadowplay/In-game Overlay/screen recording currently active in your primary machine.
    Please disable this settings in Nvidia GeForce Experience window.
    Then open spacedesk Driver Console and switch OFF-ON the spacedesk Driver/Server and try again with spacedesk.

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