Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Are we able to select which GPU does the encoding?

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  • #28510

    So, I have a PC with two GPU’s. A RTX 3090, and an intel 770. Space desk is using my rtx gpu to encode, which i also use for gaming, so i’m losing out on performance due to it. Is there a way that we can select which gpu does the encoding?

    Use case at the moment is I play a game that has an overlay available, i use the overlay on my second monitor (Now a laptop running Spacedesk) and game on my primary monitor.

    spacedesk Renz

    Hi @rossatron,

    There is no option to switch GPUs used by spacedesk since spacedesk uses software encoding, not hardware encoding. The default GPU is mostly used for rendering.


    Any chance we can add that to a feature request?

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