Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions apple devices instead of itunes for IOS usb support?

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    Should I use Apple Devices instead of itunes for spacedesk IOS usb support? I uninstalled itunes, then installed Apple Devices, now USB no longer works for spacedesk.



    Hi @jerryss,
    Apple devices should still work with spacedesk iOS USB support.
    is your Apple devices running in the background? if not, please make sure to run it first, then try connecting using your iOS USB cable.


    Ok, I have an update.

    I boot the computer, run iTunes on pc. Run spacedesk on iPad = no connection

    I boot the computer, run iTunes on pc. Open spacedesk console, turn spacedesk off ( button on right). The turn spacedesk on. Run spacedesk on iPad = connection ok!

    I hope this helps!


    Hi @jerryss,
    We have released a new spacedesk Driver v2114 on the web.
    This update includes the detection of Apple Devices app, Please update your driver to the latest version and see if it works for you.
    make sure your Apple Devices app is running in the background.
    looking forward to your feedback!

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