Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions All devices showing weird colors

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  • #25669

    Hi, I’m trying to use my tablet as a secondary monitor but everytime I connect, either Wifi or USB cable, I get weird colors on the secondary monitor (attached image). It is the same on my phone (Pixel 6 pro) or my tablet (Fire Max 11). My GPU is an AMD and the driver version I’m using is 24.1.1, thanks!

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    Hi @heiz,
    This looks like a known issue of spacedesk with 10-bit pixel format enabled in your main graphics adapter settings.
    Could you please try to disable the 10-bit Pixel Format in the AMD Radeon Software?
    Just open the Radeon Software window, click the Settings icon on the top right side, then “Graphics” -> “Advanced” -> disable the “10-bit Pixel Format” then reboot your primary machine to apply the changes.
    After that, please try again with spacedesk.


    Thanks a lot, that solved it. I was looking at the wrong settings!


    Hi @heiz,
    No problem, Glad it worked out for you!
    We will now close this topic. In case you encounter any spacedesk-related issues, just let us know and we’ll be happy to assist you.

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