Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions About “splashtop wired XDisplay needs to be uninstalled”

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    On your web site: “splashtop wired XDisplay needs to be uninstalled (it still installs an incompatible old legacy WDDM Filter Hook driver which cannot coexist with other similar products like spacedesk even though it doesn’t even seem to use this old driver any more).”

    In Slashtop’s program, in the Advanced, section there is an option to install and uninstall their virtual display driver. If the virtual display driver is uninstalled then SpaceDesk works fine. There is no requirement to completely uninstall slashtop.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @myron,
    Thanks for the info.
    We have checked this option and it seems to work without completely uninstalling the splashtop.
    We will update our documentation.

    spacedesk Marcel

    splashtop wired XDisplay virtual display driver can be uninstalled and installed in their “Advanced” menu option.
    Then splashtop wired XDisplay cannot do Windows Desktop Extension any more (only Desktop Duplication / Mirroring).
    Then splashtop wired XDisplay can coexist with spacedesk.

    Currently splashtop wired XDisplay installs TWO virtual display drivers:
    OLD: WDDM Filter Hook Driver (for Windows 10 1511 which is not even supported by Microsoft any more!)
    NEW: WDDM IddCx Indirect Display Driver (for Windows 10 1607 and above)

    If splashtop only removed their OLD unused virtual display driver (WDDM Filter Hook).
    Then wired XDisplay could perfectly coexist with spacedesk and even do Windows Desktop Extension.

    splashtop users – please tell them! Send them the link to this thread…


    Interesting. I wonder if it is possible to disable the unsupported driver. Where did you find the incompatible driver? Is this something that can be tweaked in the registry to disable it or maybe set the security ACL on the incompatible driver to prevent execution?


    What is the actual filename(s) of the old device driver file(s)?

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @myron,
    These are the binaries we are checking for splashtop virtual driver:

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