Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions 1st conection goes well, from there on all fail (black screen on laptop)

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  • #12401

    Im trying to get my Laptop as my 2nd Screen, i after i do the 1st connetion, that works, every other fail, also when i move screens on the windows settings menu it starts to fail to and i lose my main screen icons.

    The problems i got with the 2nd conection and on, either black srcreen on the laptop or i conect but can see the mouse or any apps.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @legna,

    How many spacedesk Viewer apps are you trying to connect?
    Are you using spacedesk Windows Viewer app?
    Is it from Windows Store? Or Windows 7 Viewer (desktop version 0.9.40) from the website?

    Is your primary machine Windows 10/11?
    If yes, please send us the diagnostic logs of the issue for analysis.
    Just follow the steps below:
    – open the spacedesk Console window app by clicking the spacedesk tray icon on your task bar’s notification area
    – click the Diagnostics on the left side panel
    – if Debug View is not available, please click the download button first
    – switch Diagnostic Collection ON (make sure to click Yes in the User Account Control box to proceed)
    – try to connect your viewer apps and reproduce the black screen issue on next connect
    – switch Diagnostic Collection OFF
    – click Save All Information button (if message box appears, just click No to proceed)
    PS: Saving all information will take a few seconds, then please send us the whole folder which contains all the diagnostic logs collected.
    Please right-click the folder -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file in your next reply.


    Im trying to conect 1 cliente (laptop) on my server (PC), both W10
    I got the cliente version from this page because the microsoft store one requires W10
    Also, this time i got black screen in the 1st conection.(did a clean up and reinstalation just before runing the app)

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @legna,

    Thanks for the reply.
    Unfortunately, we cannot open the zip file (and it’s not the right diagnostic folder we need for analysis).
    Please follow the steps above on how to get the diagnostic logs via spacedesk Driver Console.
    spacedesk Driver Console app generates a diagnostic folder name like “2023-03-15-XXXXX-spacedeskRuntimeDiagnostics” (which contains all necessary diagnostic log files), then this is the folder that you should compress (zipped).

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