Forum 討論群 spacedesk Discussions Problems with Spacedesk Driver when connecting other devices. 回覆至:Problems with Spacedesk Driver when connecting other devices.

spacedesk Lea

Hi @minhamae1,
spacedesk does not support Windows 7 any more (Windows 7 life cycle has expired).
Though spacedesk Windows 8.1 driver can still be installed on Windows 7 we cannot guarantee that it will work properly now.
Any driver bugs on our legacy driver (Windows 7/8.1) will not be fixed anymore.

We are current focusing on improving and bug fixing our spacedesk driver for Windows 10-latest.

Maybe you could still try some of our suggestions:
– make sure that you have the updated Intel GPU driver
– try with/without aero theme
– when the icon disappears, please check if spacedeskService is still running, just run “services.msc”