Forum › 討論群 › spacedesk Discussions › Reinstalling spacedesk driver fails › 回覆至:Reinstalling spacedesk driver fails
Hi @cody,
Seems like the uninstall issue we have on our previous installer.
Could you please try the following:
– reboot your primary machine
– delete the C:\Users\Public\spacedeskSetup.log
– open device manager, just run devmgmt.msc
– click View tab -> Devices by connection
– scroll down and find spacedesk virtual HID device
– underneath spacedesk virtual HID device, please right-click -> Uninstall device each devices (one by one)
– then uninstall spacedesk virtual HID device last
– try to uninstall spacedesk via Control Panel or original MSI installer
– reboot your primary machine then try to install the latest spacedesk version 1.0.6