Forum Forums spacedesk Discussions WIndows VISTA??

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    I see space desk no longer supports Windows 7 but that it can be installed and MAY work. I don’t suppose that there is any chance at all that Spacedesk might work with Vista? (Or even better Windows XP!) I have been using the defunct Maxivista program for years (on XP) and it runs just great. However, it cannot be installed on Vista. I appreciate that support cannot be expected for these legacy OS’s but I can’t face the hassle of upgrading and having stuff no longer work as I’m used to. And I do not want to lose my Maxivista functionality so won’t upgrade anyway until I can find a replacement. Just asking……..


    PS: Sorry, I’m just not a very good at all this computer stuff!

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @lissart,

    Windows Vista is not supported by spacedesk.

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