Hello, with spacedesk, when I connect via USB, the Viewer license message appears. Unfortunately, I can’t remove or turn it off. I can only force the message to go away through Task Manager, but it reappears every time I connect. It’s annoying and not what the tool is supposed to do.
Hi @dudw,
The non-commercial window pop-up is designed to remain visible in the taskbar unless you are using a viewer with a commercial license.
Minimizing it is the only thing to do, this behavior is expected for users who uses free versions or non-commercial viewers, and the only way to remove this window is by switching to a commercial-type viewer.
Short supplement to the previous answer: Maybe you installed version v2.1.5 of spacedesk Driver on your Windows Machine? v2.1.5 had a bug. Possibly it always shows licensing message maximized after every single Viewer connection. If you have v2.1.5 on your Windows Primary Machine, then please update to 2.1.6 Please let us know if this helped.
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by spacedesk Marcel.
This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by spacedesk Marcel.