Forum Forums spacedesk Discussions Trouble connecting by WiFi Direct/Hotspot between PCs

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  • #5932


    I’m connecting a W10 PC to another W10 PC, and can’t get the WiFi direct (over mobile hotspot) connection to work. The 192… IP for the WiFi direct adapter shows up green and normal in the viewer, but when clicked, the screen on the viewer goes black with “Connecting to 192..etc” for about a second or two, then it returns to the setup screen. I have an android tablet that *does* work fine connected to the same WiFi direct / mobile hotspot connection on the driver PC, with all the same spacedesk settings on driver PC.

    * I’m using the latest driver and viewer installed on each respective machine. Both machines with latest W10.
    * Connection works normally over the shared WiFi network. This problem is only when trying to WiFi direct to hotspot.
    * Viewer PC functions normally using the mobile hotspot connection (e.g., full internet access).
    * spacedesk is listed as firewall exception on both machines.
    * I’ve checked through switching all the settings I could think of. I’ve done restarts, and tried, for example, starting the spacedesk apps only after making the hotspot connection.

    Anyone else have this experience? Any insights or suggestions would be appreciated – thanks.

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