Forum Forums spacedesk Discussions Spacedesk viewer slows down when charging laptop

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    I am using an HP Victus 16, and whenever I want to charge my laptop and connect to my desktop using Spacedesk at the same time, the viewer will run at only 2 FPS, but when I pull out the charger it goes back to running smoothly at 60fps. I’ve tried messing around with the quality settings, closing everything else running on my laptop and nothing seems to be working.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @blethz,

    there were no other reports like this before.
    Which spacedesk Viewer app are you using? Is it the Windows 7 viewer or the viewer from Microsoft Store?
    Have you tried to reconnect spacedesk while charging?
    On your laptop, please check in Task Manager if the CPU, Memory, or GPU usages are too high and which application is causing it.
    Looking forward to your feedback.


    I am currently using the spacedesk Viewer app from Microsoft store, I have also tried using the Windows 7 viewer and it didn’t make any difference.
    I tried reconnecting spacedesk while charging, replugging the charger while using spacedesk, etc and it still only runs smoothly when the charger is unplugged.
    Here is a screenshot of my spacedesk Viewer’s statistics along with my laptop’s Task Manager.


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    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @blethz,

    if the Audio feature is enabled on the Viewer app, please disable it and check if the FPS has recovered.
    If it did not help, could you please try to close the applications that has high CPU/Memory usage one by one ?


    I have tried both of the solutions you gave me and both didn’t work, I closed every application that takes 400 or more memory usage and applications that I’m not using.

    spacedesk Nicole

    Hi @blethz,

    do you also observe the FPS drop on other applications such as media player or games?

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