Forum Forums spacedesk Discussions spacedesk viewer device cannot connect to server through mobile hotspot

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  • #2252

    Hi, I’ve found that there were some connection issues when using spacedesk and connecting both devices to my home network. So i tried to use the mobile hotspot of my main device and have my secondary device connect to it. this doesnt work though, and it says its connecting, then exits out. Any fixes?

    I’ve included a link to a video of the problem im having, if my explaination doesnt make sense
    [video src="" /]

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @oleechn,
    Thanks for sending a short video of the issue.
    Can you quickly try with spacedesk Windows 7 Viewer app v0.9.30 which you can download on our website?
    Then check if you get the same connection issue.

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