Forum Forums spacedesk Discussions Spacedesk + Echoshow 15 = Perfect!

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  • #25896

    Hi . I finally found the solution to broadcast cameras on the echoshow 15 through this phenomenal application. On the PC where the server is hosted I noticed that the expiry date is set for January 31, 2024. Can I purchase a license or is it free for personal use?


    Hi @zerogravity994,

    spacedesk is free for private non-commercial use. Only free version does expire. Paid business license does not expire.

    Currently availability of business license is limited to Google Play Store for Android. Soon, iOS and Windows business version will follow in Apple Store and Microsoft Store. In the meantime iOS and Windows Viewers can be used for free even by business users.

    Upon expiry, screen will turn to black and white (no more colors). This only happens in the non-commercial version of the Viewer.

    Upon expiry a new version of the spacedesk Driver needs to be downloaded from the spacedesk website.

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