Forum Forums spacedesk Discussions Spacedesk + Citrix issues

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    I’m using spacedesk with the following setup: native laptop screen (Windows 10 Enterprise 1909, Spacedesk Server 0.9.87) + 2 additional screens via Display Port + 1 iPad Mini (old tablet running IOS 9.3.5, using Spacedesk for IOS updated to last available version on App Store) + 1 Samsung Tablet (old one running Android 4.4.2, using spadedesk for Android updated to latest version through Google Play). I often use some app via Citrix Workspace, and spacedesk doesn’t seem to like this very much: from time to time I experience disconnections of secondary spacedesk screens – not sure why, and to be able to reconnect them I need to close any open instance of my Citrix apps, or I’ll simply keep seeing all my screens flashing with spacedesk continously connecting and disconnecting screens.

    Anybody has any suggestion on possible causes and solutions?


    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @notaro75,
    Thanks for the feedback.

    We never tested spacedesk with Citrix Workspace. We cannot easily troubleshoot it since the app is not a free software.
    As for the disconnection, I assume the spacedesk viewers are connected over wifi network, right?
    If that’s the case, one of the possible reason is maybe there’s a network drop that causes a disconnection?
    Is your network stable/reliable?
    Can you maybe try connecting over a wired network, e.g. USB tethering? Then check if you still experience the disconnection from time to time.

    By the way, do you have auto-reconnect enabled on your spacedesk viewer app settings? maybe that might help too?
    You mentioned that you have v0.9.87 driver version, can you maybe try our most recent spacedesk driver v1.0.14?

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