Forum Forums spacedesk Discussions Server Diconnects after one min.

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  • #1820

    Disconnected by server error
    error code 2-5-6
    error info 0-5-8
    connected time 00:01:01

    This consistently happens after one min.

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    OK its a Galaxy Tab-E. And the wifi stops even though its on. I have trouble shot every setting that could make it stop. It omly stops when I am using Spacedesk have a window maximised in the Tablet, and moving the mouse in the Tablet space.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @timothyber,

    Thanks for reporting this issue.
    Are you using the most recent spacedesk Driver and Viewer version?
    We will check and try to reproduce it on our side.

    What is the current quality/performance settings on your android viewer app?
    Can you please tell us the current encoding type, custom fps and rendering color depth values?

    Could you also please try to enable the auto-reconnect option on android viewer settings and check if it will help?

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