Unfortunately, no short term nor mid term plans for Linux support on spacedesk server.
Protocol specification is not publicly available.
You can only use your Linux machine as client via spacedesk HTML5 VIEWER http://viewer.spacedesk.net/.
Keep in mind that this HTML5 VIEWER app on Linux is much slower than our native apps on Android and Windows.
This is due to technical limitations of HTML5/Javascript.
Dev’s should really take a note, the only solution at the moment to run a Linux Client is running the XP Version with Wine, as the HTML5 Version still lacks keyboard support! It’s really time to bring a Linux Version, maybe a “Wine port” would already do the job well!
Really bad to see, Linux as a Plattform is still being ignored! Atleast Spacedesk Client should exist for Linux, either as a Wine-port or using the HTML5 Viewer, however the HTML5 Viewer lacks Remote Control support.
What about if the Linux-Users would lets say start a finance crowd-funding to get a Linux-Client supported?