Forum Forums spacedesk Discussions Code 31

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  • #1686

    Hello Support-Team,
    I already searched the toubleshooting page but could not find something similar.

    The connection between Primary (PC) and Secondary (IOS) works fine, but without working display. I found an error code 31 in device Manager which seems to cause the problem.

    Here is a list of things I already checked:

    – Win10 and GPU-Driver(RTX 2070) are latest versions
    – Restarted Primary in device-manager and reinstalled spacedesk
    – Tested on second IOS, same result
    – No splashtop, duet, vpn or similar installed
    – Firewalls do not block Spacedesk

    Hope you have an idea what causes the problem. If you need anything else, pls let me know.
    DXDiag is of course in attachement

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @paul16,
    Did you try our most recent spacedesk Driver v1.0.9?
    If the problem still persist with the latest version, could you please download the spacedesk diagnostic script here, then extract it.

    Inside you will find spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd, just right-click it then run as administrator.
    This script will start a debug view app to capture spacedesk debug traces.
    On step 5 it will prompt you to reproduce the issue (by connecting the viewer app and wait for the issue to happen), make sure to do this before pressing any key to continue.
    After the script is done, a folder will be created on the same folder as the script file which contains various log files that we need for analysis.
    Please right-click it -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.


    Hey Lea,
    thanks for your support. Yes i’m using v1.0.9.

    The secondary is telling me, that it is connected, but with display off. So there is nothing special to wait for.
    I used the debugger like discribed. In addition I restarted the driver in the device-manager while step 5 (with no changes at all, still error code 31).

    Hope i’ve done it right.

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    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @paul16,
    Thanks for sending the requested logs.
    We are currently analyzing it.
    Yes, the Code 31 error in our spacedesk driver in device manager was the cause of display off status upon connect.

    Could you please try the steps below:
    – uninstall spacedesk completely then reboot your primary machine
    – open device manager
    – click View tab -> Devices by Connection and Show hidden devices
    – check on the device list if you can find any hidden spacedesk devices or Unknown devices then just right-click uninstall the device, if you find any.

    After the steps above, please try to reinstall spacedesk driver then try again.
    Please also check and install any pending Windows update on your settings.


    Hey Lea,
    i tried the steps you suggested.
    I found no hidden devices and double checked that windows is up to date.

    But after reinstall, there were no changes at all.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @paul16,
    Thanks for the feedback.
    Could you please try this one:
    – on device manager, while spacedesk Graphics Adapter has Code 31 please right-click uninstall the device
    – run spacedesk MSI installer then click the Repair button
    – try again with spacedesk, and check if the issue still persist

    By the way, is this the first time you install and try spacedesk?


    Hey Lea,

    I tried this too, but no changes again.
    Yes it is the first time i tried spacedesk.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @paul16,
    Thanks for trying.
    1. Could you please run “regedit” then navigate to: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WUDF\Services
    then check if you can find “spacedeskDisplayUmode” key.
    If you cannot find it could you please add it, just right-click the Services -> New -> Key then type “spacedeskDisplayUmode”.

    2. Please also send us these app crash dump file/s if it’s available:
    Note: ProgramData folder is hidden by default, if you cannot find it in C:\ directory, just click the View tab of the File explorer, then check the “Hidden items” check box.


    Hey Lena,

    1. I used Regedit and found the spacedeskDisplayUmode key where it belongs.

    2. There are no crash files in \Temp. As far as I can tell, spacedesk haven’t crashed at all.

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @paul16,
    Thanks for checking.
    Next, please try this:
    – run Command Prompt as Administrator
    – type the command: REG ADD HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\spacedeskService /v InstallOnBus /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
    – run services.msc, find spacedeskService and Restart it
    – then try to connect again with spacedesk


    Hey Lea,
    new Week, new Luck.
    cmd told me that the command was successfull, but the following restart in services doesn’t solve the problem.

    By the way, your advices are pretty clear and easy to reproduce *thumbs up*

    spacedesk Lea

    Hi @paul16,
    Thanks for the feedback.
    For now, we are still investigating what might be the cause of Code 31 on our driver on your machine.
    We tried to reproduce it here with the same operating system (Windows 10 x64 for Workstations) and so far it’s working properly on our side.
    We are not sure if this will help, but maybe you can also try to open Windows Settings -> Update & Security -> Troubleshoot -> Additional Troubleshooters, then run the troubleshooter for:
    — Windows Update
    — Program Compatibility Troubleshooter (then select spacedesk SERVER)

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