Forum Forums spacedesk Discussions Space desk connects and works fine but then days later won’t find server Reply To: Space desk connects and works fine but then days later won’t find server

spacedesk Lea

Hi @psyko,

I have tried reinstalling, resetting, switching everything on and off again, nothing works.

Did you do these on both android viewer app and spacedesk Driver on Windows 10?

Did you already tried restarting the spacedeskService on services.msc on Windows 10?

Do you have third party firewall software on your primary machine and/or android device?
Do you maybe have VPN (Virtual Private Network) active?

Could you please also try to disable the Settings -> Connection -> Automatic Server Discovery, then try to enter the IP address manually?

What is the current network connection on your Windows 10 primary machine? Wired or Wireless?