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TeilnehmerI spent a lot of time trying to figure out this problem.
My solution.How to use the WIN key on Android.
1. Connect a USB keyboard, wireless radio or Bluetooth (with WIN key) to Android devices (with USB OTG support)
maybe it will workOR
2. Install on android
„Hacker’s Keyboard“
Hackers Keyboard Google Play
On Windows, remap the LALT and LWIN keys with „Sharpkeys“. (or another similar program)
(requires .NET Framework 4.0)
From now on, on PC and Android, the ALT key will work as WIN and vice versa.
Disadvantage: no ALT key on android.OR
3. Remap the keyboard shortcuts (not the WIN key itself) you want to use, eg SHIFT + WIN + right arrow on CTRL + F11 (OR ALT) using eg Autohotkey scripts or another program.
You can do this with the * .reg registry file, but it’s a bit tricky.
On android call the additional keyboard in „Hacker’s Keyboard“ with the Fn key and press CTRL + F11.Peter
TeilnehmerI found an intermediate solution.
You need to create * .bat script and inside:
msiexec / i C: \ spacedesk_driver_Win_10_64_v1018_BETA.msi / qn / norestart(The installer can be on a flash drive)
With some programs, we change BAT to EXE (in Invisible mode – do not show the window) and name it e.g. spacedesk.exe
(Unfortunately, many antivirus programs treat the file created in this way as a threat and try to block it. You need to find one that at least bypasses Windows Defender. You can check this on the VirusTotal website)Click on the spacedesk.exe file with the right mouse button and select „Run as administrator“ from the menu.
You can also select Compatibility in File Properties and Run this program as Administrator, but when run this way, a little info window pops up.
TeilnehmerspacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd works OK
need restart computer
I deinstall/install Spacedesk many times and now (and I don’t know why) is betterAndroid 10 phone:
-ThumbKeyboard still didn’t work but
-GBoard work OKtablet android 7:
-Thumbkeyboard work OKthat’s enough for me for now
in case of problems, I will start spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd and send itTHX for support.
TeilnehmerI run spacedeskDiagnosticTool.cmd but something goes wrong and I cancel process.
I run again and I see the error:STEP 3: Enabling IddCx WPP tracing
The data collector set already exists.I delete DebugView.log but this did not help.
What do I have to delete before restarting?Peter
TeilnehmerI try this command but had no success.
msiexec run on 1 second and off (I see this in Taskmanager)
but if manually run *.bat as Administrator (from the menu) works OK.How modify this command to run as *.bat with admin privileges?
I try Runas command but stop on „enter password“ prompt.Peter
Teilnehmer„Do you have both spacedesk Driver (v1.0.18) and Android Viewer app (v0.9.81) to latest version?“
„Are you using the software keyboard? Or hardware keyboard?“
Gboard – TAB,BACKSPACE,SPACE,ENTER,ARROWS keys are not working.Letters working.another keyboard Thumb Keyboard (Android 10)
No working
I tap on the keyboard icon on the screen and nothing happened. -