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spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @cipoci,
Could you please send the updated dxdiag info with updated graphics adapter driver?spacedesk Lea
AdministratorJuli 27, 2021 um 1:51 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Deletion of one of my videos that is on your website (Youtube) #1504spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @dan-ratia,
We have updated the link on our website. Thank you very much for the info.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @deanhardt,
Please try the most recent spacedesk Android Viewer app 0.9.74.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @viviane,
We are currently fixing it on server side.
We will let you know as soon as we have new version for you to test.As for the BSOD (blue screen of death), when did it exactly happened?
Could you please send us the following for further analysis:
– run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click „Save All Information“, save the output file (dxdiag.txt)
– most recent dump file (*.dmp) of your BSOD with spacedesk which is located in C:\Windows\minidump folder.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @ajwbd17,
It seems that the app being opened is located on the primary display, the current connected spacedesk viewer is still the secondary display that’s why I suggested to move the window to your viewer screen.
If it’s not easy to do, you can also try display switch (Windows logo + P hotkey maybe for several times until it switch to single output/projector mode or duplicate so that the spacedesk viewer screen will become the primary display of the laptop.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @lun,
Please make sure that both primary machine and secondary devices are connected on the same local area network.
Do you maybe have VPN (Virtual Private Network) enabled?
Do you have third-party firewall software on your primary machine?Could you please send us the following info:
Primary Machine
– operating system (Windows 8.1/10)?
– graphics adapter (AMD/Intel/Nvidia)
– network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)Secondary Machine
– Viewer type (Android/iOS/Windows/HTML5)
– network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)For assistance, please also check troubleshooting – network connection chapters in our user manual
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @cipoci,
Is spacedesk installation always turning off your laptop monitor?
Did you try it for several times and get the same issue?
For further analysis, could you please run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click „Save All Information“, then attach the output file (dxdiag.txt) on your next reply.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @viviane,
Could you please run services.msc on your primary machine, find spacedeskService ,right-click restart it then try again to reconnect the spacedesk viewer app.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @virtuala,
1. Yes, current BETA version is free and has touchscreen support.
Once we release a Pro version, the free version will only support touchpad / relative touch feature as stated in our website.2. Pro version purchase will be a one time payment only.
spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @viviane,
Ok thanks for the info.
So pen and touch input are still not working?
..and there’s no display connected but remote mouse is working? so it’s connected but black screen only?spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @zyx,
We have checked with Google Chrome and there’s no issue with downloading our spacedesk Driver installer from our website
Can you please try again or maybe try with other web browser (e.g. Microsoft Edge)?spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @mr-h,
For clarification, so the problem is that you can only cast the screen, meaning you can only duplicate/mirror your desktop screen on your android viewer app, is that correct?
And you want to extend the screen?
If yes, you can easily switch to extension mode via display settings window or display switch (Windows logo + p hotkey -> Extend).Juli 26, 2021 um 2:43 am Uhr als Antwort auf: [Bug 1.0.7] Can’t open setting after restart computer #1471spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @jokysatria,
We are currently fixing this issue.
We will get back to you as soon as we have new version for you to test.In the meantime, restarting the spacedeskService instead of reinstalling the spacedesk driver might help.
Just run services.msc on your primary machine, find spacedeskService then right-click restart it.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @viviane and @ricky-yang,
Did you try the most recent spacedesk Android Viewer v0.9.74 app from Google Play Store?spacedesk Lea
AdministratorThanks for the info.
We are currently looking into it. It seems like a bug on our latest spacedesk Android viewer app.
The fix for this issue will be available in the next version of android viewer app.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorThanks for the info.
We are currently looking into it. It seems like a bug on our latest spacedesk Android viewer app.
The fix for this issue will be available in the next version of android viewer app.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @firefall,
Thanks for sending the requested files.
The dump analysis shows a crashing Intel Graphics driver (igdkmd64.sys).
We can’t tell if it was the spacedesk driver that causes it to crash, there’s not much details in the (stack) trace.
In any case, spacedesk bugs on our Windows 7/8.1 driver will not be fixed any more.
Further improvements (e.g. bug fixing and feature implementation) on Windows 10 spacedesk driver is our priority at the moment.
If you like, you can upgrade to Window 10 and the BSOD (blue screen of death) will most likely gone.Attachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @makesgood,
Do you have Nvidia graphics driver on your primary machine?
Is Nvidia ShadowPlay/screen recording currently active?
If yes, please disable it, reboot then try again with spacedesk.If problem still persist, please send us the following info:
Primary Machine
– operating system (Windows 8.1/10)?
– graphics adapter (AMD/Intel/Nvidia)
– network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)Secondary Machine
– Viewer type (Android/iOS/Windows/HTML5)
– network connection type (wired/wireless/USB tethering/WiFi Direct)spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @cody,
Seems like the uninstall issue we have on our previous installer.
Could you please try the following:
– reboot your primary machine
– delete the C:\Users\Public\spacedeskSetup.log
– open device manager, just run devmgmt.msc
– click View tab -> Devices by connection
– scroll down and find spacedesk virtual HID device
– underneath spacedesk virtual HID device, please right-click -> Uninstall device each devices (one by one)
– then uninstall spacedesk virtual HID device last
– try to uninstall spacedesk via Control Panel or original MSI installer
– reboot your primary machine then try to install the latest spacedesk version 1.0.6Juli 21, 2021 um 3:36 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Windows desktop pointer disappears on tablet touchscreen #1421spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @downed_aviator,
Yes, as you have observed that is the current design of Touch feature in the current spacedesk Beta version.
The actual touch screen (no more mouse pointer) will be supported on first connected viewer app.
Then on the next viewer connection it will use the old spacedesk absolute touch (with mouse pointer visible).spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @edgreenberg,
You can use the spacedesk HTML5 viewer on your raspberry pi device.
Just open a web browser and go to and connect to the IP address of your primary machine.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @firefall,
Please make sure that you have an updated graphics adapters – Intel HD Graphics 3000, NVIDIA NVS 4200M.
For further analysis, could you please send the following:
– run dxdiag.exe on your primary machine, click „Save All Information“, save the output file (dxdiag.txt)
– most recent dump file (*.dmp) of your BSOD with spacedesk which is located in C:\Windows\minidump folder.Please save all requested files in one folder, then right-click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder, then attach the *.zip file on your next reply.
Juli 21, 2021 um 2:23 am Uhr als Antwort auf: How can I get sound from the server and output it on the viewer? #1418spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @finn775,
Current spacedesk version does not support remote sound/audio yet.
This is already in our to do list but has low priority at the moment.
We are currently very busy with higher prioritized features and bug fixes.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @benedict,
Full screen mode should be available on our spacedesk Windows Viewer app.
Are you using our most recent spacedesk Viewer app from Microsoft Store? Or the Desktop version 0.9.30?
For assistance, please check the attached screenshot.Attachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.Juli 21, 2021 um 1:54 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Crashes After updating to iOS app version 1.0.41 #1414spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @mrjtrix,
We are glad to hear that the issue on your side is now fixed with our recent iOS viewer app release.Juli 19, 2021 um 5:05 am Uhr als Antwort auf: Crashes After updating to iOS app version 1.0.41 #1397spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @mrjtrix
Our developer is currently fixing various bugs in our current spacedesk iOS viewer app (including app crash issue).
We will get back to you as soon as we have new version released on the App Store.For further analysis, may we request for your iOS application logs?
In order for our developer to receive it, please go to your iOS device’s Settings -> Privacy -> Analytics & Improvements, then enable the „Share With App Developers“, then try to reproduce again the spacedesk viewer crash.
Reference: Lea
AdministratorHi @ajwbd17,
It seems like the window is opening on the wrong screen and you have to drag it to your visible primary screen.
Can you please try the following steps:
– hover your mouse on the task bar icon of the app
– once the small preview window show up on top of the task bar icon, right click it and select „Move“ on the context menu
– try to move it by clicking the left or right arrow key continuously (depends on which side the window is located), to drag the window to your primary/visible screen.
For assistance, please check the screenshot attached.Attachments:
You must be logged in to view attached files.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @seamusreichert,
Is the issue on your side related to spacedesk Driver?
Or is this a problem of updating your Nvidia graphics driver?spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @palexdev,
Could you please try the following on your primary machine.
– right-click C:\Windows\Temp folder -> Properties -> Security tab -> Advanced -> Permission tab -> Continue
– check if you find the Users or Authenticated Users and make sure it has Full Control access
If none, just Add -> Select a principal, then type „Users“ and click Check Names and click OK
– Then make sure to check the Full Control access for the Users then click Apply -> OK.
After following the steps above try to run-install again the spacedesk MSI installer.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi @halvorson,
If you have splashtop WiredX display or Duet display driver installed on your primary machine, please uninstall then reboot your primary machine before connecting a spacedesk viewer app.
For more info, please check Incompatible Display Hook Driver Detected chapter in our user manual Lea
AdministratorHi @czmenz,
If you have splashtop WiredX display or Duet display driver installed on your primary machine, please uninstall then reboot your primary machine before connecting a spacedesk viewer app.
For more info, please check „Incompatible Display Hook Driver Detected“ chapter in our user manual Lea
AdministratorHi red2021,
Could you please try to disable the 10-bit Pixel Format in the AMD Radeon Software settings?
Just open the Radeon Software window, click the Settings icon on the top right side, then „Graphics“ -> „Advanced“ -> disable the „10-bit Pixel Format“ then reboot your primary machine to apply the changes.spacedesk Lea
AdministratorHi code,
If you have splashtop installed on your primary machine, please uninstall it, reboot the try again with spacedesk.
For more info, please check the Incompatible Display Hook Driver Detected chapter in our user manual -